How do I unassociate a file from a program?  I want to change the the file association to none.
I want to change the file association to none. When I selected a program to open a file, I forgot to uncheck the box that says; Always use the selected program to open this kind of file. I do not want to change the association to another program, I want to change the file association to none. This does not seem to be an option. How do I do this? I am running Windows 7.
November 7th, 2010 12:02pm

Use this tool to remove the file association: André"A programmer is just a tool which converts caffeine into code" CLIP- Stellvertreter
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November 7th, 2010 2:11pm

You can also use the build-in ASSOC command. From "To delete the association for a specific file extension, type assoc .<xxx>= at a command prompt, and then press ENTER, where <xxx> is the file extension you want to delete." Note that you have to run teh command prompt as an administrator. Hope this helps.
November 7th, 2010 11:57pm

I just made the file hello.zzz then double-clicked it and set it to open with Notepad.exe. Then I tried both methods above to un-associate the .zzz filetype. Neither worked. I had to use Regedit to clean up the mess. Thanks for nothing guys. Grrrrr. ---EDIT--- Sorry. I spoke too quickly. I thought Ziegler was showing the built-in Default Programs manager, since it looks so much alike. To be clear, it was the MS Default Programs and ASSOC I tried. Neither worked. I didn't download or try that program Ziegler is hawking. Nor have I had good success with Nirsoft's. Too complicated. There should be facilities built into Windows that would do the job. Ziegler, how about if you try the experiment with hello.zzz file and report back if your 3rd party tool works. I don't want to risk corrupting my registry and then have somebody scold me for doing it.
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November 8th, 2010 1:33am

I just made the file hello.zzz then double-clicked it and set it to open with Notepad.exe. Then I tried both methods above to un-associate the .zzz filetype. Neither worked. I had to use Regedit to clean up the mess. Thanks for nothing guys. Grrrrr.
November 8th, 2010 1:33am

I thought Ziegler was showing the built-in Default Programs manager, since it looks so much alike. nope, but one of the greatest freeware tools. There should be facilities built into Windows that would do the job. I agree with you. Ziegler, how about if you try the experiment with hello.zzz file and report back if your 3rd party tool works. I don't want to risk corrupting my registry and then have somebody scold me for doing it. I made some pictures to show you the steps: Click on file type settings: next on "Change open with" programs next select the zzz extension and delete it "A programmer is just a tool which converts caffeine into code" CLIP- Stellvertreter
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 8th, 2010 8:32am

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